Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Past Few Weeks

Sorry it has been such a long time without an update. I'll try to post something at least a couple times a week.

Mom is doing well. She has been keeping her days busy with Birthdays, spending time with the grandkids, going on drives and seeing the beautiful autumn leaves, and many other fun activities. We have been in limbo for the past week or so, not knowing what will happen next. Mom did receive a call from a physicians assistant letting her know that they did in fact find some cancer in the last biopsy and they will discuss further action in an appointment with Dr. Litton on October 12th. We are now just waiting and praying for the best.

This last week Mom has spent some time in the hospital because the bile tube was pulled out 3 to 4 inches and stopped functioning. The tube has been fixed and is functioning correctly. She will need to get the tube replaced every 2 to 3 weeks. Not a very fun process, but mom is willing to do whatever it takes to get better.

Hopefully soon I'll get mom on here and let her write a post. She would love to let you all know first hand exactly how she is feeling and how grateful she is for all your friendships and your prayers. Until next time...

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